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Unforgettable Mother of the Groom Gift Ideas

Unforgettable Mother of the Groom Gift Ideas

The bond between a mother and son is sacred. As a society we often focus on the bride being given away by her father. There isn't a much talk about a mother giving away her son. A special way to honor the woman who raised the man you will soon call your husband is by giving her a gift prior to the wedding. We've queued up ten hand selected mother of the groom gift ideas from Etsy artisans that we think you'll love.

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How Much Money Should You Spend on a Gift for the Mother of the Groom?

There is no right dollar amount when it comes to giving gifts to family and members of your wedding party in celebration of your wedding. It is more the gesture that counts than anything else. Expect to spend between $25 and $75 on a gift for the mother of the groom.

Who Should the Mother of the Groom Gift Come From?

The mother of the groom gift can come from the couple, just the bride, or just the groom. Many of the gifts ideas listed below are from the bride to her future mother-in-law. That being said, there is no right answer to this question. Do whatever works for you and your partner.

When Should You Give the Gift?

Typically couples give gifts to family members and their wedding party at the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal dinner is a great time to acknowledge the special people who have contributed time and money towards your wedding. If you aren't having a rehearsal dinner, you can distribute gifts the morning of the wedding.

10 Unique Mother of the Groom Gifts

If you're looking for other gift ideas, be sure to check out our roundup of Bridesmaid Jewelry Gift Ideas and Christmas Gifts for Newlyweds.